The Coffee Shop, Union Square

coffeeshopbar The Coffee Shop is a popular spot in the Union Square area.
The sidewalk seating with customers are the part of restaurant’s exteriors.

The Coffee Shopはユニオンスクエアーを代表するスポットの一つ。

Union Sq. West, NYC

Environment Furniture

enviromentEnvironment Furniture‘s show room;
The store front and logo stand out well enough to make people look at it which is a cool approach.
Their furniture is minimal and kind of nice too. This is so called “eco-edgy”.

Environment Furnitureのショールーム。ブロードウェイ沿いのこの場所で、ストアフロントもロゴも道行く人の足を止めるに充分な引っかりを持っています。とてもクールなアプローチだと思います。家具もミニマルでかっこいいです。エコエッジーと呼ばれています。

876 Broadway, NYC

Lily O’Briens Chocolate Cafe

lilyobriens1Lily O’Briens Chocolate has opened its chocolate cafe in March 2009 at Bryant Park side on 40th street. The packages are beautiful as well as the cafe.
The brand logo looks bit modified from the one on their packages & website.

今年の3月に、ブライアントパーク沿いの40ストリートにオープンしたLily O’Briens Chokolateのお店&カフェ。店内もパッケージもキレイです。



peacePeace should be the bottom line. No matter what. No?
This graphic has been here for 10 years as long as I know.
I think it has a trickle-down effect. I love this graphic!


Avenue A, NYC

Rain or Shine

rainorshine1Can you think of any better names and signs for this store?
Rain or Shine is the New York’s only umbrella and parasol shop.
You will find a perfect umbrella here that will make you want to sing in the rain!

ニューヨーク唯一の雨傘日傘専門店 “Rain or Shine” は45 ストリート沿いにあります。
このお店にこれ以上ふさわしい名前とサイン、Awning(入り口の日よけ)があるでしょうか? ここでなら雨の日でも出かけたくなるような傘が見つけられるかもしれません。

East 45th Street, NYC

Petite Abeille – Belgian Restaurant

petiteabeille2This restaurant is famous with waffles and burgers and has 4 locations in the city.
“Petite Abeille” means Small/cute honeybee in French.
Tintin (who is also from Belgium) looks like he loves the little bee too- cute pair!
West 17th Street, NYC

“Petite Abeille” はフランス語で”かわいいみつばち”という意味。 このお店はベルギーワッフルとバーガーが人気でマンハッタンに4店舗あります。 同じくベルギー生まれのTintinもかわいいみつばちちゃんのファンなのでしょうか?



brgr1It’s been there for 3 years and this sign makes me hungry.


Chelsea, NYC

Memory Keeper

memorykeeper2Yes, I still have a lot of films keeping my story.
West 14th Street, NYC

West 14th Street, NYC
